Reflections on COVID

Reflections on COVID-19

“Since the pace of life has slowed, since the buzz of traffic has quieted, since my diary has emptied, I have been able to sit and meditate on the beauty of a simple life.  I can hear the bird calls, so many different varieties, as they echo one another across the river.  I can appreciate the swish of the reeds as the water rushes downhill.  I can stand still and know that life is good.  But above all I know that God is near, and the presence of God is very dear.  Amid all the uncertainty, this is a time of enrichment.”



“During this challenging and unprecedented time, 2020 has taught me to appreciate those things we often take for granted: worship and fellowship being the first to come to mind. Whilst during previous hard times of many years ago we had limited resources,  we now have so many things to thank God for, not the least our many ways of using technology. Being able to watch worship on TV, Songs of Praise, watching Youtube or reading our Church’s faith pack, so well prepared and sent out each week, has been a real blessing.  As restrictions will soon be lifted and we can all worship together again I’m sure it will be so much appreciated by us all.”
